Join and Get Involved


SAFE relies on the support of our members, volunteers, friends, and community partners to provide financial education resources to the communities we serve. If you choose to support SAFE financially, your donations may be tax deductible (please consult your tax advisor).


Thank you for helping us strengthen our communities!


Become a Member!


SAFE membership is open to any member of the public that shares our passion for providing financial education and resources to the communities we serve. As a registered 501c(3) non-profit association, SAFE relies exclusively on the financial support of its members and donors and therefore requires a small membership fee.


Please review our complete Membership Policy for more information.


To request a SAFE membership, please complete and submit the form below. Next, please mail your membership fee of $20 (annual membership) or $40 (lifetime membership) to the address indicated in the "Donate" section below. Please note, only one annual or lifetime membership fee must be paid per household.



To make a contribution to SAFE, please mail your check to:


StraightTalk Association for Financial Empowerment

14 East Market Street, Suite 212

Corning, NY 14830





Are you passionate about financial education? Do you see an opportunity for SAFE in your community? If you are a member of SAFE and this describes you, please contact us!



Request Assistance with a Program or Financial Support


SAFE's financial educators are available in-person on a limited basis in the Corning/Elmira, NY area and can also provide services virtually across the country. If your organization is interested in partnering with our volunteers for your program, please contact us! Simply send an email to with a description of your group/organization, details of your program, and your contact information.


If you are seeking monetary support for a financial education program, please refer to our Donation Policy.


Serve on Scholarship Application Review Committee


As part of our support for education, SAFE offers an annual scholarship to its members. We are always seeking SAFE member volunteers to assist with reviewing and scoring these applications. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the form below and we'll contact you with more information.